Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Strict Paleo Day 1 of 39: : Tues-01-03-2012

Today I  entered the Potomac Crossfit Paleo Challenge, a competition and education on paleolithic nutrition. The competition starts officially Jan 7, 2011, but I've started a lil early, I've started eating as strict as I can paleo today, partially to make up for the crappy eating that I've done for the last couple days over the x-mas/new-year holidays. I will post  everything that was put in my mouth to be eaten (excluding my gf) in an effort track and hold myself accountable. There are 39 days from today to the end of the competition Feb. 11 so hence the title had Day # of 39 for these food posts. Hopefully by adhereing to my diet and crossfit exercise at the end of this I will have abs like this:
and I won't be like this:

Todays food Journal:
  • 2 Scrambled Eggs & 5 Pieces of Bacon
  • 2 Apple Sauce Cups (non sweetened) - 12g of Sugar/carbs each
  • 2 vita-cocos coconut water
  • Catalyst Dinner Meal: Pulled BBQ Chicken w/ Pumpkin Puree and Coleslaw
  • 1 Glass of Red Wine
  • 3 Full Cups of Water w/ Lemon Juice for Flavor.